Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Handle with Care - See Remy Run Blog

This is my favorite puppy photo of Remy, although the one I posted of him running is a close second.  I don't know what it is that makes me like this photo so much, maybe his floppy ear that is trying to stand, or the 'handle with care' box next to him that foreshadowed the future.

A scarey thing about Addison's disease is that when a dog has a highly stressful event, such as surgery, they can go into an Addisonian crisis, which is basically shock, and the dog can die on the operating table if it wasn't being managed.  Luckily, I had held off neutering him because he was so sick, and I didn't want to cause more stress on his body.  So by luck, and just a bit of intuition, I may have potentially saved his life by holding off on the neuter.

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